"I Said Shut Up!"

Posts tagged “gay win

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell…Don’t Win.

As you know President Obama signed into effect the law that repeals the 17 year old law “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” that the DoD and it’s branches operate under. For those of you who are living in the stone age, the semi-former policy did / does not allow members serving in the military to serve openly gay. Basically this means that a homosexual person interested in serving his or her country, must keep their sexual preference a secret throughout the duration of their service.  If at any point their homosexual preference was uncovered through official channels / rank – they were to be investigated and inevitably discharged from the military…. How gay.

So where do I stand on the whole issue?  Pretty simple. Read: Wake Up America….

So after years of battling, it would appear that the gays have finally done it!!!gay-win

At least of course… it would appear that way on the surface…

Now of course this is my opinion, but I think I’m on the right track, and if I’m not then I suppose it’s a good thing.  What am I talking about?  Let’s break it down….

As with any legal document, let alone a law … or law that repeals another law… there is going to be fine print. And this is what I find humorous. This is where I love “the system”.  Basically, in short… for those of you not already tracking.  The law doesn’t actually go into effect until

“…Secretary Robert Gates, Joint Chiefs Chairman Mike Mullen and the President himself certify the military’s readiness.”


“But before that certification, the Pentagon needs to come up with a plan for implementation to deal specifically with issues such as housing and benefits for same-sex partners, the rights of gays and lesbians (particularly in the area of enlistment or re-enlistment), and an education and training regimen for all service members.”

Can you say … LOOPHOLE !!!!

What’s actually been done here?
Well it’s fairly obvious.
1. President Obama just secured himself in the books of military history for repealing (some might say) one the most ridiculous and controversial laws in military history. Because you know, being the first Black President of the United States wasn’t enough of an accomplishment itself.

2. Made a whole bunch of people from the Gay Community Happy.  Now granted, it doesn’t take much to make a gay man giggle, but now that he really can stick it to the man… well… I’m sure it goes along way… but more importantly … it shuts the gay community up about the topic. The pentagon can now release a statement that says “Look homos. Look what we did for you! We got rid of the DADT!! Now shut up so we can get on with our lives”

3. And finally, lets be honest. If you really think that “…before that certification, the Pentagon needs to come up with a plan for implementation to deal specifically with issues such as housing and benefits for same-sex partners, the rights of gays and lesbians (particularly in the area of enlistment or re-enlistment), and an education and training regimen for all service members.”  means “we’ll get right on it” … well then you must be a moron.  It really means: “…ha! – You just got punk’d!, beeotch”

Last I checked, neither the pentagon or ranking military officials have ever really cared too much for making equality among soldiers with different sexual orientations a priority.  The military is all about adaptation… staying flexible… the Army says “This is how it is… now deal with it”.  So pardon me if I find it a little bit amusing that the military is slamming on the brakes and screaming “Whoa… hold on, we’re going to take our time with this one” … Realistically, it’s not like we haven’t seen this coming for oh… EVER, or thought it would never happen.  But now we’re going to slow down, come up with excuses, and pretend to make it about “safety” and “concern” and “education” for soldiers or whatever, when you’re just waiting a few years for a Republican to take office and make this “silly” thing go away.

But … my favorite part… the Pentagon and friends, before putting this repeal into effect… they’ve got to figure out (..hang on, let me make sure I get this right) … ahem… yes … “…the rights of gays and lesbians”

…. I feel this is an appropriate “In The Army Now” batman moment. batmanHOLY FUCKING SHIT BATMAN!!!! 

There really is just too much to go off on regarding that particular sentence. “The rights of gays and lesbians”.  Oh please.  Suck my ass big wig retards. Do you not realize how stupid a single statement like the one above can make you look?

Looks like we’re going to have to add a “…Unless you’re Gay” amendment to the Bill of Rights.